Please check your own team’s tab and let us know if you find any issues.
Please then randomly spot-check other teams’ videos to make sure that their reported score matches their video and that there are no other issues. For every video you watch you can report your findings in two ways.
Copy this spreadsheet , fill it in, and post a link (with copying enabled!) to this thread.
If you can’t access Google sheets, copy the following headings into a text file, fill them in, and paste them into a reply message in this thread.
Your name
Your email address
URL of the video
Do you agree with the team’s score? (Yes/No)
If not, please explain (including timestamps)
How confident are you in your assessment? (1 = not confident, 5 = very confident)
Other comments
Is this a highlight? (Yes/Maybe/No)
Here is the proposed timeline.
Video attestations due Thursday 30th of June (in 1 week).
Remote live telecon finals from Monday 4th of July to Friday 8th of July. Given the low number of teams participating, I think it’s pretty safe to say that all three teams can participate in the remote live telecon finals so please be thinking of setting aside lab time! We are happy to work with you to find a schedule in your timezone that works for you.
I have some questions about remote live telecon finals.
If possible, we want to participate on July 11th and 12th. We misunderstood that the remote live-telecon final is organized at the same time as the in-person preliminaries (July 14-15). We already have other schedules from the 4th to the 8th of July.
Do we need to participate in maneuvering tasks again, if we want to be nominated as Best-In-class? We want to skip it if it’s possible because it takes a large space and takes a long time for assembling. Also, we already have shown the ability that we can get more than one point in maneuvaring tasks at pre-recorded videos.
We are sorry that we can’t do the attestation this time because we are not able to get access to YouTube. We acknowledge the scores of Team Quix and Team Nexis-R.
As I mentioned, all three teams may compete given the low number of teams. Please let me know of some windows of time within the July 4-8 window when it is convenient for you! The goal is to have a similar number of run slots as an in-person competition so I would set aside at least 6 hours of runtime. As you are most likely not able to run continuously (battery charges, rest for the operator, moving equipment between tests, etc.) I suggest that this be spread over 2 or 3 days in this window.
Shotaro Kojima:
I’m sorry to hear that you had a misunderstanding! The date on the PDF file you mention is accurate and it has not changed since the 8th of February. Page 28 indeed does indicate that the remote Best-in-Class finals run from July 4-8.
The reason for this is that the LOC and RoboCup Federation ruled that there be no online competition during the in-person, to avoid splitting attention from the in-person competition. I can ask and see if we can make a limited exception although I can’t guarantee that this will be possible.
Regarding maneuvering, the original intent was that at least a representative sample of maneuvering tasks should be performed but I do understand that there may be some space challenges. I will ask the rest of the committee and get back to you. Are there some tasks that you can put back together without too much trouble?
Wenbang Deng:
Thanks for your efforts! Sorry to hear you cannot access YouTube. Of course this is OK.
Please schedule our final runs during the following time slots:
1:00 - 14:00 UTC in July 6-7
1:00 - 6:00 UTC, 9:00 - 14:00 UTC in July 8
Since the sites of Dexterity, Search and Inspect, Exploration and Mapping are in three different places, we need some time to move the robot and equipment among different tasks. It would be the best for us to run three tasks in three different days, or we need a five-hour gap for shifting between tasks.
Thank you for your answer.
I understood that we need to conduct the maneuvering tasks as far as we can.
Please schedule the final runs of Team Quix during the following time slots:
Jul. 7, 4:00 - 11:00 UTC (13:00-20:00 JST)
Jul. 8, 1:00 - 5:00 and 10:00 - 13:00 UTC (10:00-14:00 and 19:00-22:00 JST)
Jul. 9, 1:00-13:00 UTC (10:00-22:00 JST) ← if possible
I’m sorry that we could not prepare 3 days within the period.
We hope to do several tasks in Jul. 9, if possible.
If it is definitely impossible, we would shift the time slot to Jul.8, 18:00-24:00 UTC…
We only conduct dexterity (DEX) and maneuvering (MAN).
We hope to do the maneuvering tasks with the following limitations, considering the limitation that we need to rebuild or change fields in the same place:
Maneuvering tasks are conducted on a different day with DEX tasks because we need to build the field in the same room.
Order: Negotiate (MAN4) → (1h for field change) → Center(MAN1) → (1.5h for field change)-> Align (MAN2) → (1h for field change) → Speed (MAN0)
Shorten the length of speed (MAN0) from 24m to 8m, considering the weather, and conducted indoors.
If possible, we want to limit the maneuvering tasks to 2 or 3 tasks because we need to rebuild or change fields for maneuvering tasks that might exceed the time slot.
Only Speed (MAN0) can be conducted on the same day with DEX tasks because we don’t need so much assembling for it.
I just noticed that Maneuvering might be needed to performed in the finals. At present, we can only run MAN0 and MAN1. Other tasks (MAN2 and MAN3) will take a long time for assembling after finishing MAN1. Do we need to finish all these four MAN tasks? If so, we need 2 hours for field changing among MAN1, MAN2 and MAN3.
I have one more question: How is the test execution schedule organized? Is it the same as the “Test Execution” in Part 1 of rulebook below?
Test Execution:
● :00 “prepare for next mission” team gets to start position of lane
● :03 “start mission”
● :18 “readiness test available”
● :26 “end of mission” team clears the arena
Thanks for your info! I’m still trying to co-ordinate with the committee to determine when we will have proctors available during the relevant timeslots. I’ll reply hopefully soon with a timetable!
I think we can be flexible with the MAN tests given the timing constraints. How do we feel about running just MAN0 and MAN1? (I do also need to check that this is OK with the rest of the committee.)
Regarding the test execution, yes the goal is for the runs themselves to be as similar as possible to what is done in-person, and this includes the timing of the run itself. Of course given only one team is running at a time we do not have quite the same changeover requirements.
Regarding shortening MAN0 to 8m so it can be run indoors, I think this is a good idea. Let me check with the rest of the committee.
Thank you for adjusting your schedule! Yes Jul 9 should be fine.
I just checked the master schedule and I see that 11 and 12 July are considered setup days rather than competition days. So while I understand that the federation prefers to keep the remote online competitions to the week prior to RoboCup, I think if the 7th is very difficult for you, we could overflow a small number of runs (e.g. ones that require a lot of setup) into the 10th and maybe the 11th without anyone getting too upset at us because we will not be directly clashing with official games.
(I believe some leagues actually start some official games during the second setup day so we should avoid the 12th if possible and only use that day for overflow in an emergency.)
Thank you very much for your effort!
It would be very helpful for us if only MAN0 and MAN1 are required for remote teams.
Actually, we already have some schedules on 7 and 8 and some members cannot join.
Thus, Jul. 9, 10, and 11 are the best for us.
If we need to conduct in 7 or 8, 7 is better because operators have several schedules on 8.
Summerizing above, the following time slot is an updated version:
Jul. 7, 4:00 - 11:00 UTC (13:00-20:00 JST) Jul. 9, 0:00-11:00 UTC (10:00-20:00 JST) Jul. 10, 0:00 - 11:00 UTC (10:00-20:00 JST) Jul. 11, 0:00 - 11:00 UTC (10:00-20:00 JST)
I am still trying to confirm proctor availability but given time is short right now, I propose the following.
Wednesday 6th 1am-2am and 3am-5am UTC (Tuesday 5th 9pm-10pm and 11pm-1am US Eastern), Raymond proctors NuBot Rescue in up to 6 DEX runs. (Sorry about splitting the run time, I have an LOC meeting 2-3am UTC!)
Thursday 7th 1am-4am UTC (Wednesday 6th 9pm-12am US Eastern), Raymond proctors Nexis-R in up to 6 DEX runs.
Friday 8th 1am-3am UTC (Thursday 7th 9pm-11.00pm US Eastern), Raymond proctors NuBot Rescue and Nexis-R in MAN0 and MAN1 runs (2 each, 4 runs total, 2 hours total).
Saturday 9th 1am-4am UTC (Friday 8th 9pm-12am US Eastern), Raymond proctors Quix in up to 6 DEX runs.
Sunday 10th 12am-1am UTC (Saturday 9th 8pm-9pm US Eastern), Raymond proctors Quix in MAN0 and MAN1 runs.
Still to schedule - NuBot Rescue in SIT and EXP runs. Maybe Thursday 7th 10am-2pm UTC but still to confirm.
Please let me know ASAP if there are any issues with this schedule.
Note that the DEX runs for the remote best-in-class finals (and in-person preliminaries) are slightly different to the pre-recorded trials. In particular, DEX1-4 should be performed at least 30 cm (12 in) above the ground (whereas for the pre-recorded runs they were done at ground level).
We will use Zoom for these runs, the details are as follows:
We can now also confirm that Tetsu will be available to proctor NuBot Rescue in SIT and EXP runs during the Thursday 7th 10am-2pm UTC window. This is 1 hour of runtime within a 4 hour window so I’ll update when I know exactly when during that window.
Thanks for your scheduling! The schedules of DEX and MAN are OK for us.
As for EXP and SIT, we need to take a 50-minute journey between places where running these two tasks. Besides, considering the time for moving equipment, we need an approximately 3-hour gap between these two tasks. Is it possible to arrange these two tasks in different days? We are also free during July 9-10, 1:00 - 14:00 UTC. If we have to run these two tasks in the same day, please allow us to run in the begging and the ending of that time window. Sorry for this limitation.
We also have other questions:
How is the test execution schedule organized in one run? Is it the same as I have mentioned here?
In each DEX run, is it true that we need to do only ONE single task (like only DEX1) in different heights and distances?
Can we change the operators between different runs? Since it is quite tiring for one operator to run several hours continuously.
In the “Inspect” task of readiness test, are the Landolt-C optotypes stickers the same as that of Search and Inspect task? If so, the smallest gap of the Landolt-C optotype is less than 1mm.
Wenbang - OK how about we schedule EXP for 1pm-2pm UTC on Thursday the 7th and I’ll get back to you later today about SIT. As for your other questions:
1: Yes each test is organized as you describe. The idea is that it is as similar as possible to the in-person preliminaries.
2: We simplified the DEX runs, for a given DEX run you pick a height of at least 30 cm (in 30 cm increments) and perform the one task at increasing distances. See the rulebook.
3: Yes you can change the operator.
4: Yes the inspect task of the readiness test is the same stickers as SIT so yes the smallest one is very small! But you also can now get closer to it than before (before it was at the back of the crate, now it’s about halfway down the crate).
Hayato - Oops, yes you are correct, DEX6 does not run for telecon trials so only DEX1-5 for a total of up to 5 runs (of course you don’t need to run all of the DEX tasks if you don’t want to, but I wanted to make sure there was time to do each one).