Video submissions for 2022 online

Hi All!

My apologies for the delay in these instructions. Basically we will follow the same procedure that we did for last year, so the below is mostly a direct copy.

You may either use the Google form, or copy this spreadsheet and fill it out. Note that there is no error checking of this spreadsheet. Not all fields will be valid for all tests. It is highly recommended that you go through the form at least once for all of the tests to see what options are valid as spreadsheet errors that prevent your video from being properly accounted for may mean your video doesn’t get considered. (If you submit a video via the form you don’t need to also include it in the spreadsheet … we will remove duplicate videos in case you accidentally submit a video both ways.)

Please then post a view only link to your spreadsheet as a reply to this thread, or in the Video Submissions 2022 category.

For those of you who cannot access Google forms/sheets, please email us ( and we will work with you to figure out another way to submit this.

Make sure that the email address that you use to submit your details is the same as the one we have on file for you (via your TPF).

Also if you haven’t already submitted a TDP please do so (ideally by providing a link in the post where you submit your spreadsheet)!

Use this thread to ask questions or comment or report issues so we can address them.

Because we were a bit late getting these out, we can be a little bit flexible with the deadline (which was originally today). Please do reply to this thread by Tuesday the 21st of June, either with your spreadsheet, or with a note saying that you will submit it and when you plan to.



Just so we have it in the one place, the video submission from Team Quix (who got their submission in early - thanks!) is here:

Submitted by Shotaro Kojima, Team Quix, Tohoku University

Dear organizers,

This is the video spreadsheet of Team Nubot-recue:!Aj27FLJwaFSCb-h8PcEaMfdicWQ?e=7fwTDI

Best regards!

Wenbang Deng

Dear organizers,

This is the video spreadsheet of Team Nexis-R

Best regards!

Hayato Kobayashi

Dear organizers,

I’m from Team NuBot-rescue. Sorry that the former link of the spreadsheet is crashed due to the loss of our OneDrive account. This is the valid video spreadsheet of Team Nubot-rescue:!Ak0LoGJ7lhUTghCcTiY7T5m7SiKZ?e=NG4Z3y

All files are the same as in the former spreadsheet (all created before 19, June). Sorry again!

Best regards!

Wenbang Deng

Hi Wenbang Deng,

Thanks for the update! We were able to see the videos fine.

Do you also have the GeoTIFF for your Mapping and Exploration run?



Hi Raymond,

Thanks for your understanding. The link to the GeoTIFF is at the column of 'URL to a picture of your GeoTIFF map (with decoded QR codes overlaid as relevant). Must be publicly accessible.
’ in that spreadsheet. I will also paste the link here:

Best regards!

Wenbang Deng

Hi Wenbang Deng,

Thanks! I see your TIFF files but I didn’t see the robot path overlaid. (I also didn’t see any QR codes or other annotations but then I looked more closely at your video and realized you didn’t have any in your environment.)

Could you at least overlay the robot path on your map please?



Hi Raymond,

Sorry for the TIFF version without the robot path. We added the path into the GeoTIFF just now.

We distributed half round shape fiducials in pairs on both sides of walls to replace QR codes as last year.

Best regards!

Wenbang Deng