Video Submission Procedure

Hi All!

As a reminder, video submissions are due by 12pm UTC on Monday the 21st of June (8am US Eastern time). We highly recommend submitting earlier so we can check and let you know if there are any issues.

We have finalised the video submission form. This form should lead you through the correct questions for any given test in the range. Please let us know if you have any issues!

If you prefer, you can also copy this spreadsheet and fill it out. Note that there is no error checking of this spreadsheet. Not all fields will be valid for all tests. It is highly recommended that you go through the form at least once for all of the tests to see what options are valid as spreadsheet errors that prevent your video from being properly accounted for may mean your video doesn’t get considered.

For those of you who cannot access Google forms/sheets I will shortly post a thread with a template where you can reply and copy the headings and fill in the details.

This process is still experimental so please bear with us! Use this thread to ask questions or comment or report issues so we can address them.


  • Raymond

Oops sorry, of course I left out a detail about how to submit the spreadsheet …

If you choose to submit via spreadsheet, please paste a VIEW ONLY link to the spreadsheet to this thread.


  • Raymond

Hi All,

Just a reminder, when you submit using the video submission form, please use the email address that we have as your contact.

We have already had one team submit with what is clearly a ‘placeholder’ email address that is actually not valid, to satisfy the requirement that there is an email address. We will be discarding such submissions.

Also a reminder that if you have many videos to submit at once, you’re welcome to copy the spreadsheet, fill it in (or copy the fields in from your existing spreadsheet) and post the link in here.


  • Raymond