Rules Questions & Suggestions 2021

Hello sir,
Thanks for your reply.
I have one more question about platform we are going to use for mapping. Will it be given by you or are we going to make our own platform?


I just want to know when the guide for the construction of the apparatus will be available? On the website, it was annonced for May 1st.
Did I miss an information?


Frederick Giard
Team Capra

This is Fukao of team SHINOBI
I have three questions about RoboCupRescue 2021 Plans.
When we make a camera mount, is it necessary to make exactly the same camera mount shown in page 31?
In an omni task of dexterity and strength classification tests, an omni board is supported by two lumber rails, like the figure in page 52 in the rule book.
So it is impossible to put the omni board 120cm away from the front edges.
But there is a column on page 71 for writing this result.
How should we understand?
In the figure on the left in page 76, the second pallet from the far end has four pallets, but the number 3 is written on it.
Which is correct?
Best regards

Sorry for the late reply - the detailed guide is online at

Hello, isn’t there any chance to postpone the competition? Even just for 2-3 weeks? One and only useful information just published 1 months ago before the competition. Does it really make sense to publish such an important and useful information about competition 1 month before the start of the contest. I bet a lot of people thought that it was going to be postponed. There are a lot of University students in this competition and they might have final exams on that week just like us. Also the measures taken to prevent the virus may differ from country to country. For example countries might be on lockdown for weeks and it might make harder to prepare this competition. All i am trying to say is it might be hard to prepare the necessary environment for the competition because of lockdowns, finals etc.

Stay safe!

We understand you and are sorry for the delay - everybody is busy during these difficult times and coming up was a good way to run the competition took some time.

Please see this post for more info: Time is short - postpone competition?

The camera mount does not have to be exactly like on page 31.
Page 31 is a suggestion that is easy to build, based on the best practices and experience of NIST, who do these tests on a regular basis.
You can use some other setup (e.g. mount camera on a beam above the station, use a tripod) - we just ask you that the image that you get is comparable and shows all the important parts (screen, time, operator hands).

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Thank you for your answer.
How should we think about two other questions?

In an omni task of dexterity and strength classification tests, an omni board is supported by two lumber rails, like the figure in page 52 in the rule book.
So it is impossible to put the omni board 120cm away from the front edges.
But there is a column on page 71 for writing this result.
How should we understand?

In the figure on the left in page 76, the second pallet from the far end has four pallets, but the number 3 is written on it.
Which is correct?

Best regards.


In the figure on the left in page 76, the second pallet from the far end has four pallets, but the number 3 is written on it.


The pallets should be 3 high not 4. The number is correct, the diagram is not correct.

In an omni task of dexterity and strength classification tests, an omni board is supported by two lumber rails, like the figure in page 52 in the rule book.
So it is impossible to put the omni board 120cm away from the front edges.
But there is a column on page 71 for writing this result.
How should we understand?

Looking page 71. I do not see 120 cm, it is 90 cm. Can you send a picture to what you are referring to?

Sorry, 120 is wrong. 90 is correct.
Thank you for your reply

I intended that there are only 3 places which we can put omni board in page 52, but there are 4 column to write result in page 71.
Then how should we understand?


I understand your question. There are 5 pipes to inspect. Each pipe is at a different location on the block of wood. The letter indicates the placement of the pipe on the block.

Screen Shot 2021-05-20 at 9.09.24 PM

There are 4 positions for the linear tasks (pg 58) and 3 positions for the omni tasks (pg 59)


I have a question.
On page 41, is the image of camera 4 a zoomed image of camera 1, or are they produced by two different cameras?

They are produced using 2 different cameras.

Hi All,

Just a few clarifications for the questions that have been asked.

  • I agree that we would have liked to have these details out earlier, I have just added some further information to the post at Time is short - postpone competition? .

  • For the quad-screen, Camera 4 should be a feed direct from your OCU screen (e.g. via screen capture software). Otherwise, it should be from a second camera that is zoomed in. The idea is that people will be judging your video based on this screen so it should be sharp.

    • In the example on page 41, we have actually used a zoomed-in version of Camera 1 to produce Camera 4 because we don’t have the ability to capture the video from this particular robot, and the OCU screen can fold flat so the OCU hand camera also captures a sharp enough image of the screen. We expect that this situation will be somewhat rarer among most RoboCup teams’ robot OCUs.
  • The apparatus as shown does not allow the omni to be placed at the 4th distance because it is placed between two bars.

    • Similarly, the weight lifting apparatus also cannot be placed at the 4th distance because it also braces against two bars.
    • The form does include the 4th distance for consistency, and these distances are still valid although we expect that teams will not complete an omni at this distance so to keep the build practical for most teams (e.g. limiting the longest piece of wood to 120 cm (4 ft) for easier transportation) we limited the size of the apparatus.
    • If a team would like to perform these tests at the 4th distance (or, indeed, at even further distances - there is no limit to the distance), we recommend building the apparatus longer and/or placing the apparatus on a table or similar of suitable height beyond the apparatus.
  • In a similar note, for practicality, the base of the terrain can be built out of 4x 30x120 cm sheets (e.g. what might be sold for shelving) rather than a solid sheet, if transportation is an issue.

Please do let us know if you would like further clarification!



Hi, This is Xiangxu Lin from Team ATR_Kent
I got a few questions about how to conduct the test.

  1. is this the only testbed we need to set up for submissions for the first round of uncut video trials? (do we need to set up the testbed for Autonomous Mobility, Legged Mobility testbed and etc)?
    2. after passing the first round, does the “remotely proctor new test trials via video conference” gonna require us to travel to a select place to conduct the rest of the test?
    3. if not, what do we need to build for the final remotely proctor run.


Hi all,

I have two questions about this year’s league.
Firstly, do we need to use a single robot without significant change in all the tests, like the previous year, or is it allowed to use different robot configurations for different tests, such as mobility and autonomy?
Secondly, does it be confirmed that there is no mobility test for large tracked robots this year?


Hi Chenghao,

Different robots will be treated as different configurations. So you are welcome to run a mobility and an autonomy robot but you won’t be adding the scores together. Note that “Multiple robot configurations can participate with separate registrations.”.

The test for mobility for large tracked robots this year will be in the context of being able to act as a stable base to support manipulator dexterity, due to the angled beam in the dexterity test apparatus.


  • Raymond


  1. This year, we cannot do the dexterity challenge, but we can try the inspection and exploration tests. How does that work for the video because the fiture can be placed in a larger area? Do we need more cameras or a moving camera?

  2. I didn’t see a score sheet for these tests. I saw how the scoring works for the inspection but not for the exploration.

  3. For the Exploration, do we have to paint the tube in green/red?

Thank you
Frederick Giard
Team Capra
Montreal, Canada

What about the Autonomous Mobility Tests? As far as I understand the rules (Slide 74-78), we are able to do this task with large autonomous tracked robots. Or is it only intended for legged robots?

Thanks for the great work. We are looking forward to the competition!