Public lecture by Prof. Satoshi Tadokoro

Most, if not all, of you know Professor Satoshi Tadokoro (“father of rescue robotics”) from Tohoku University in Japan. He will retire end of March from his regular position and give a public online farewell lecture. He will stay in Tough Cyberphysical AI Center, Tohoku University as a specially appointed professor.

Title: “From the Rubble to the World”

(1) Date: Thursday, February 6, 2025, 13:30-14:45 (JST) / 5:30am Central European Time

(2) Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 13:00-14:30 (JST) / 5:00am Central European Time

I was just informed that the lecture will be in Japanese! Zoom offers captions in another language, but I do not know how well this will work.